KHPC Youth

KHPC Youth Group


We earned $322 which will be a great help in our Mission Trip 2012.  We also appreciate the generous donation of $200 from the Women of Kennedy.  Our next activities will be attending the All-Church Vision Retreat and assisting with the Pentecost Service on June 12. Questions? Contact

KHPC Youth Group

KHPC's Youth Group actively serves the church and the wider community. Open to those in grades 7-12, it is busiest during the school year. The group assists with such church projects as the Women's Bazaar and the Feast of Love Community Thanksgiving Dinner, in addition to providing worship leadership. They also lead the entire worship service at the Family Christmas Eve service in the late afternoon and also Youth Arts/Youth Sunday, which is held in May. Many of them also assist with the summer Vacation Bible School program.

Outside of church, the group regularly cooks for the Interfaith Hospitality Network and participates in the Cincinnati Diabetes Walk every year. They also collect money, which goes to the Caring Place and the IHN, on Souper Bowl Sunday, and participate in the 30 Hour Famine sponsored by World Vision. They have also volunteered at the Juneteenth Festival.

KHPC Youth Group Service

For the past two years, they have taken weekend-long mission trips -- once to Chicago to work in a community garden in the heart of the city, and once to Tennessee to paint and clean up at a rural community center. To raise money for these trips, they have held a Presidential Pancake Breakfast, a St. Patrick's Day Cabaret and several car washes and bake sales.

Life is not all work for the group, as they have regular lock-ins at church, which include activities like laser tag, bowling, and the all-night Faith Night marathon at the local GameWorks.