Help Wanted!

KHPC Places To Help

KHPC Youth Group

KHPC needs your help! There are lots of events that go on at the church, and lots of ways for you to get involved! Please view the list below and get in touch with the designated contacts to help out!



--The Youth Group is asking for your help with their ongoing projects.  Please bring 1. used computer ink cartridges (not Epson), 2. pop tabs (don't forget to put the aluminum cans they came from in the Property of the Master can), 3. used but still usable sports equipment and 4. new art supplies for school children.  Thanks for your help!!

ANY time that you have to give!

View the complete list here:  Your Help Is Needed!

SIGN CHANGER--someone is needed to change the letters in our outdoor sign on a weekly basis.  It can be done after worship on Sunday for the next week so you won't even have to make an extra trip!!  (information to be posted will be supplied as needed.)

ANGEL TO OUR SHUT-INS--Sue Kitchen is seeking people who are willing to keep in touch with our shut-in members by phone. (or cards or anything else that you'd like to do!) If you are willing to help with this important ministry, please contact Sue Kitchen directly at


Organizers Wanted  Date is TBA

There are still spaces in the church that need to be organized, cleaned out, purged, etc.  If you would like to help, please contact Janet Langhorst